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Wild Hearted Women


 A Transformational Mentorship to Reclaim, Renew, and Rewild the Heart


A wild hearted woman exists in each of us. She fearlessly chases her dreams.

She plants seeds of desire in the soil of her soul. She trusts in the bloom of every seed and tends her garden wisely and faithfully.


She awakens her soul fire, lives her purpose, and lets go of what no longer serves her. She digs deep roots as she peels off old beliefs, making a shift in her world, dedicated fully to her gifts and her magic.


Along your Wild Hearted Women journey, you will be seen, heard, and held as you rediscover your own innate wisdom within. The intention of this program is for you to feel empowered as you recognize your full potential and surrender to the light of your own being and commit to your authentic essence.


This year-long journey occurs over a period of thirteen moons. Together with your mentor and a small group of women, you will circle up in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains to create a container for truth telling, sacred witnessing, personal healing, and transformation. This mentorship program is designed to support you, provide tools for personal growth, and inspire you to be fully you. We will begin this journey around the fall equinox of 2022, dance through the wheel of the year together, and come full circle around the fall equinox of 2023, having moved through one full turning of the seasons.


During this 13-month journey:


*Experience the medicine of women’s sacred community.


*Take a journey of self-discovery.


*Gain skills to practice deep self-care and transformation.


*Gain knowledge and wisdom about sacred work.


*Participate in rituals, ceremonies, and rites of passage.


*Recognize your heart and body as sacred temples 


*Experience the wisdom of the plants and deepen your connection with the Earth.


*Step into your personal power, embody leadership, share your gifts 



Each month will have a specific topic and focus. This gives you the opportunity to create a meaningful sacred practice and root into a deeper relationship with Spirit. 


Some of our time will be spent focusing on the simplicity of life such as spending time in nature observing the cycles of the earth as well as our own personal seasons. There will also be times for deep internal work, as you build a relationship with self and remember that you are a divine, sacred, and holy being. In your vulnerability, you will be seen and held by others as you learn to remove the masks and deepen the connection to your authenticity. 


You're being asked to make a commitment to yourself and your journey. Based on each month's focus and to further encourage your self exploration, you will be given a home practice. You'll be asked to set practical goals and to plant dream seeds of what you'd like to call in, birth, and bring to your community.


For extra support, you'll work one on one with sisters in the program. Acting as each other's sacred mirror you'll hold each other accountable to your goals, dreams, and personal practices each month. Being receptive to unconditional reflection and encouragement as well as giving the same is vital for us to grow and flourish.


Throughout this seasonal journey, you'll have the opportunity to engage in quarterly one-on-one personalized sessions with your mentor, Kristin Jewell. This will help provide clarity of your vision and extra accountability as you work toward your goals.


This mentorship is limited to a small number of women. The mentorship will be closed, meaning women cannot come and go in the group. You are asked to commit to all thirteen gatherings as well as your home practice. You do have the option of pre-contracting to miss a gathering, excluding the first and last weekends. This means that if you know every May you travel with your family, and absolutely cannot make that Sunday in May, then you can let Kristin know BEFORE our first gathering. Otherwise, once you say your "yes," then you are expected to write every date on your calendar and commit to consistently participating!



1:00 pm - 8:00 pm

September 18, 2022

October 16, 2022

November 13, 2022

December 18, 2022

January 15, 2023

February 19, 2023

March 19, 2023

April 23, 2023

May 21, 2023

June 18, 2023

July 16, 2023

August 20, 2023

September 10, 2023


I invite you to view your YES as an investment in yourself and to see this year-long journey as a gift of growth.


As a reminder, tuition covers all thirteen group gatherings, 4 individual sessions with Kristin spread throughout the program, and all supplies used to facilitate the program.


A non-refundable deposit of $120 is due prior to the beginning of WHW to hold your space.  The deposit will be applied to the cost of tuition which is $120 per scheduled gathering.

The deposit deadline is Sunday, September 4, 2022, or until the mentorship is full. 


Total investment in self is $1560.00 for this 13 moons mentorship.


This is a committed group; you will be asked to sign a contract acknowledging your year commitment and your intent to pay for the mentorship each month, whether you choose to participate fully or not. When you claim a seat in the mentorship, regardless of how many gatherings you are able to attend, tuition is due in full by the end of the course. Please be sure you understand this before committing. 


Personalized payment plans are available, inquire within. 



If this opportunity feels big for you, please take a deep breath,

reach out and let Kristin know what you need in order to fully support your YES.



A phone interview is required to make sure that this program is the right fit for you. 

Please submit your contact information below. You will receive a response with available times to connect. 



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