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Hopi Tobacco Heart Centered Herbals.jpg

Heart Centered Herbals exists to honor and heal our whole
selves (mind/body/spirit/soul) through sharing love, healing
pathways, and gifts of the Earth that grow all around us. These
plants carry medicine and wisdom that assist us in healing
ourselves. Heart Centered Herbals is committed to holistic healing practices, remedies, sessions, and workshops that honor sacred
traditions, intuitive wisdom, and the magic of plants.

Kristin Jewell Heart Centered Herbals


I fell in love with the natural world at a young age and spent
most of my childhood roaming through the woods. Through my
connection to the earth and my desire for inner healing and
growth, I heard a calling to mentor/teacher, healer, herbalist,
and plant spirit medicine practitioner. I am an intuitive healer
who weaves together holistic traditional and creative methods,
such as sound healing, along with the medicine and magic of
plants. Through nature-based ceremonies and the wisdom of
the heart, I provide a unique opportunity for one to look within
for answers. My deepest wish is to offer a sacred space where
you can discover deep healing, nurturing soul counsel, and

self-compassion that allows your unique light to shine on your gifts
and wisdom.


I am inspired by the transformation process, sacred Earth
medicine found in plants, and wise woman traditions. I offer
one-on-one sessions, couples sessions, homemade herbal
products born of my experience and love, and classes on
varying holistic healing topics regularly. I also hold women’s circles

 monthly to empower us to remember the ways of sacred
sisterhood. I am grateful to steward 10 acres of land that
provide a sanctuary for my plants and practices. Heart
Centered Herbals was created in honor of our connection to
nature and in order to provide herbal blends that consider the
whole being. I learn directly from plants and the Earth. I’ve
also apprenticed with community herbalist and Sacred Plant Medicine

herbalist Sage Maurer, clinical herbalist Kat Maier, and have degrees in both Behavioral Science and Transpersonal Psychology. I am certified as a Spiritual Guidance Mentor, have received a certificate of professional training in The Applications of Therapeutic Sound with The Center Of Light, and have completed

a two-year Priestess Path apprenticeship with Alisa Starkweather.

Herbal Woodland WItch
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