Mint teas are a classic favorite of most people. Aromatic mints are traditionally excellant allies for the respiratory and digestive systems. It is cooling to the body, soothing to sore throats, calms frazzled nerves, opens airways, and settles an upset stomach.
Mints are supportive of the solar plexus, throat, and 3rd eye chakras. Mints are wonderful allies for those who spend a lot of time in their mind playing the same loop over and over, for individuals who have difficulty in speaking up or honoring their truth, and for opening up to receiving messages from Spirit.
Drink a warm or cooling cup of Wonder Mint. It can also be used as a facial steam to open up the sinuses or added to a bath for cooling down an overheated and enlivening an exhausted body.
Ingredients: *Peppermint, *Applemint, *Chocolate Mint, and loving intentions.
*Plants were grown in Heart Centered Herbals' gardens chemical-free with the utmost respect and love.
The information provided is for educational purposes only, it has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please do your own research on the plant as educational information is vast.
Wonder Mint Herbal Tea
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